The Beggining

The blood elves had come as she held her mother’s hand and ran with everyone else. They all ran to the wing known as ‘The Exodar.’ When they tried to take off they found their engines had been sabotaged.


She survived the crash with only minor injuries. However, she knew nothing of her family’s fate. All she could do was use the power of the Naru two heal those she found. She healed and helped as many as she could back to the crash site. she also helped gather healing herbs and other supplies.

She was in her first season of adulthood and time to start training she had chosen to become a warrior and she would have to do that while helping survivors. She began to decide what her priorities were. First she needed to help the one did get to the crash site for healing. Stack and she would run errands for healers and such. There’d she would train to be a warrior. Fourth she would find her family. She was sure her family had survived that they were merely missing there were more important matters at hand such as lives and honor. This is the story of Demis.

~ by storyofdemis on March 16, 2007.

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